January 25, 2024

How unpredictable MS flare-ups can affect SSDI eligibility

Multiple sclerosis concept. Head is made of cubes and several have fallen off.

Living with multiple sclerosis poses unique challenges, particularly when it comes to maintaining employment and financial stability. The Social Security Administration evaluates disability claims based on the severity of impairments and their impact on an individual’s ability to work.

MS, being a chronic and unpredictable condition, can significantly affect daily functioning. Individuals dealing with the unpredictable nature of MS flare-ups may find it affects their eligibility for SSDI.

1. Document flare-up symptoms

When applying for SSDI benefits, providing comprehensive documentation of MS flare-ups is necessary. Medical records play a central role in this process. Regular medical visits and detailed notes from health care professionals can substantiate the severity and frequency of flare-ups. Including information on symptom duration, intensity and the resultant limitations on daily activities strengthens the case for SSDI eligibility.

2. Maintain detailed symptom journals

Detailed symptom journals should log the onset and duration of flare-ups, along with specific symptoms. Descriptions of how these symptoms impede work-related tasks provide important insights for SSDI evaluators. Photographs or videos depicting visible symptoms during flare-ups can also serve as powerful visual evidence.

Health and medical insurance is one of the biggest industries by revenue in Oregon. Some people in this industry work as insurance agents. MS flare-ups can affect decision-making abilities, memory and concentration. They can also cause mobility issues that disrupt work schedules and delay client meetings, and this is only the beginning of the possible effects.

3. Collaborate with health care professionals

Building a strong case for SSDI eligibility involves collaboration with health care professionals. Obtaining detailed statements from treating physicians outlining the impact of MS on the individual’s ability to work can bolster the application. These statements should highlight the unpredictable nature of flare-ups and their direct consequences on employment.

With thorough documentation, Oregon applicants can navigate the complexities of the SSDI system and enhance their chances of securing the support they need.