November 2, 2023
SSDI for adults disabled before age 22

In 2022, the Social Security Administration paid disability benefits to more than 8.9 million people. For individuals who became disabled before turning 22, Social Security Disability benefits can serve as a lifeline.
These benefits offer essential financial support and access to important resources. It is important for those who may qualify to understand the eligibility criteria and application procedure.
The SSA extends benefits to disabled adults as Disabled Adult Children. Their eligibility depends on their parents’ Social Security records. To qualify for DAC benefits, a person must:
- Have a parent who is currently receiving Social Security retirement or disability benefits, or who was eligible for them
- Have a disability before reaching the age of 22
- Be unmarried
- Meet the SSA’s definition of disability for adults
According to the SSA, disability entails a condition that prevents you from engaging in substantial gainful activity and will last for at least 12 months or result in death.
The application process
Initiating the application for DAC benefits requires submitting the individual’s birth certificate and the Social Security number of the parent under whom the person is claiming benefits. Additionally, individuals need to provide medical records, doctor’s reports and other pertinent documentation to establish their disability.
The process requires being thorough and precise when completing the application forms. Applicants must supply comprehensive details about their medical condition, treatment and the impact of the disability on their daily life and ability to work.
The review process
After submitting an application, the SSA undertakes a comprehensive review of the case to determine whether the person meets its definition of disability. This evaluation may take some time as the SSA carefully examines all the provided information. If the SSA denies the initial application, the applicant has the right to appeal the decision. Persistence is key, as many initial applications face denial, but successful appeals are not uncommon.
DAC benefits depend on the parent’s earnings record. These benefits also grant access to Medicare after a waiting period of two years.