August 16, 2022

Disability benefits: How do you appeal?

Oregon offers disability assistance for its residents in various ways. You may also qualify for Social Security Disability Insurance, but many initial applications receive denials.

A denial of benefits is frustrating and leaves you with many concerns. You may be able to appeal your denial and prove your eligibility for benefits.

Understand the process

A denial does not make your claim invalid. The appeals process can be complex, and you must follow the correct steps and procedures. Understanding Oregon laws, your rights and how to present your case helps you get the outcome you deserve.

Know your options

Your first option is to request reconsideration within 60 days of your denial. This action involves asking a different representative to review your application. If the second reviewer also denies your claim, you have another 60 days to request a disability hearing or adjudication. You will need to present your evidence at a hearing. This procedure may require you to gather additional information or documentation.

If you do not obtain your desired results with a disability hearing, you can ask the Social Security Appeal Council to review your claim. If you go through all the above steps and do not obtain benefits approval, your remaining option is a federal appeal to the district court.

Getting the disability benefits you need requires having good credibility, solid medical evidence and a thorough understanding of the laws and procedures. Filing a successful appeals claim involves many complex details and strategies. You must know the applicable time limits each step of the way and how to prove your legal claim.