November 10, 2021

SSDI approval requires completing forms like the Function Report

If a disability is preventing you from working, you may qualify to receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits.

However, the process takes time and there are many forms for you to complete such as the Function Report.

About the Function Report

If you seek SSDI benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will want to have as much information as possible about your injury, illness or condition that prevents you from working. Once you begin the claim process, the SSA will send you forms to fill out including the Function Report, which contains 10 pages of questions, though most are relatively easy to answer.

Examples of questions

The Function Report has detailed questions about your abilities and daily activities. For example, the SSA wants to know:

– what kind of home do you live in, such as an apartment or house, and with whom do you live

– what you were able to do prior to your illness, injury or condition that you cannot do now

– whether you make your own meals and what kind of food you prepare

– what do you do with your day from the time you awake until you go to bed

Similarity to a medical report

The instructions tell you not to leave any questions blank. If necessary, you can say you do not know the answer or write “does not apply.” Your answers to the questions on the Function Report may help in the approval of your claim if they reflect the same information your doctor provides in a medical report. The process for benefits approval is long and requires patience. But with legal guidance, you can keep the process of applying for SSDI moving along smoothly.